Friday 30 January 2015


The Kisumu county Governor his Excellency Jack Ranguma 
Today Afternoon the County governor of Kisumu his   Excellency Jack Ranguma, made a revolutionary hard decision on restructuring his ministry. The communication was made through his Facebook Page and the content was as follows:

"When I formed the first Government of Kisumu, I did indicate that the structure of my Government was intended to deliver services to the people of Kisumu County and also to strengthen our development agenda
in line with our manifesto. This agenda included:

  1.  Food Security and Commercialization of Agriculture
  2.  Bringing Industries to Kisumu
  3.  Developing Kisumu’s tourism potential
  4. Developing the abundant talent of the people of Kisumu
  5.  Strengthening investment in ICT as a large employer especially for the youth and to drive our industrialization and other programs
  6.  Strengthening our health delivery system particularly by way of promoting strong health system
  7.  Strengthening quality in education
  8.  Investing in pillars that will support the entire investment spectrum including investment in roads,energy, environment, fibre optics and other forms of infrastructure.
Today we can look back at the progress made and appreciate that indeed, great steps have been taken in planning and execution of certain projects and the future is bright. But I realize that we could have done better in some areas, and for the next years we want to focus and ensure that we keep our eyes on the vision, give affordable service delivery and strengthen the delivery systems of each pillar and programs that we have identified at the planning stage.
But you will also remember that performance-contracting system was introduced in Kenya as a National Management Accountability Framework for prudent utilization of public resources and efficient and effective service delivery. Kisumu County was the first County to embrace this managerial toolkit in line with the intergovernmental relations act and the County Government Act, and I signed contracts with all my executives to ensure that the Accountability Management Framework is implemented and used by all.

I want to report that significant progress has been made in that area and performance efficiency and effectiveness in the future will be achieved in spite of challenges in the area of resource envelope.
We are determined to enhance the revenue stream by closing the fiscal gaps that exists. Indeed, the county is investing in a digitalized revenue collection system that we hope will change the trend of our revenue collection system.

We have experienced challenges especially where executives pull in different directions but largely away from the vision that inspired my election as Governor, and I am forced to make changes in the structure of Government to achieve desired efficiency and effectiveness and to provide an atmosphere for actualization of peoples’ potential, but also identify people who are ready to work and contribute to our vision.

Given this background, I have today decided to change the structure of my ministries as follows:

  1.  Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock Development
  2.  Industrialization, Energy, and Enterprise Development
  3. Commerce, Tourism, and Heritage
  4.  Education, Culture, Youth, Gender and Sports. Communication, Information and Technology
  5.  Health Services and Promotion of Health Investments
  6. Water, Environment, and Natural Resources
  7.  Lands, Housing, Physical Planning & Urban Development
  8. Roads, Transport and Public Works
  9.  Finance and Planning
I have also created a directorate to advise ministries on renewable energy and climate change, in addition, i have strengthened ministerial oversight in some areas and also dropped others in accordance with my mandate as Governor.

  1. Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock Development- Mr. Henry Philip Obade replaces Dr. Stephen Orot
  2. Industrialization,Energy  Enterprise DevelopmentMr. Johnson Awuor Odero to replace Hanif Rana/Eng. Vincent K’Odera
  3. Commerce,Tourism and Heritage: Rose Kisia Omondi (retained
  4.  Education, Culture, Youth, Gender and Sports:  Jennipher Atieno Kere (Retained)
  5.  Communication, Information and Technology:  Michael Otieno Onyango (New)
  6. Health Services and Promotion of Health Investments: Dr. Elizabeth Ogaja (Retained)
  7.  Water, Environment, and Natural Resources:  Dr. William Oweke Ojuang replaces Rhoda Ahono Obadha
  8.  Lands, Housing, Physical Planning  Urban Development:  To be announced
  9.  Roads, Transport and Public Works:   Hanif Rana
  10.  Finance and Planning:   George Ongaya (and also replacing Joseph Omullo Okal in Finance)
I want to thank those who unfortunately have to leave and I wish them well, and for those who are incoming and those who have been retained the County of Kisumu has great expectations