Wednesday 24 February 2016

International women's day conference on 12th march 2016 (Western Kenya)

Women Techmakers is Google’s brand and global program for women in technology.Women It provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology to drive innovation and participation in the field.
International Women’s Day, which is on Tuesday March 8, 2016, is a day to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality within our communities. As Women Techmakers Kisumu powered by Google Developer Group Kisumu, we  plan to do this by organizing a conference on the 12th of March, at Planet Media cinemas,Mega City mall.


Dorothy Ooko-  Communications Manager  at Google
Rose Onoka- President of rotary Kisumu.
Mercy Orangi - Developer Ecosystem Community Manager Google sub Saharan Africa
Agasna Afrophilia - Managing Associate Agasna and Othero Law  Firm
Renish Mboya- Computer Science Lecturer at Maseno University
Yvonne Akoth Aluoch- Tech Consultant,Digital Security Trainer
Roina Ochieng - Goodg lead Strathmore University.
Sylvia Makori - Co founder of the Geo Services.(Fellow YALI)
Chris Odhiambo- Lead  Designer at Lakehub
Nancy Okutah- Journalist/Blogger/Activist in Kisumu
Salim Faridah-Nominated MCA Kisumu

Planet Media Cinemas Kisumu - Kisumu, Kisumu KE View Map

sign up to attend:  Click Here